As opposed to many online marketing agencies and web design firms, who often put big words around small things, Joomla Bliss has different work ethics. We deliver high-end products but at the prices that even small and non-profit organizations can afford. With Joomla Bliss, our clients get a Ferrari for the price tag of a Toyota.
If quality is important to you but your budget is limited, Joomla Bliss is the right type of a service provider for you. We are a small and tight team who has been working very closely together for the last 6 years. As opposed to other agencies, we have no churn and our designers are not recent college grads. All our designers are University-educated professionals trained in technical fields, including software development, and our project manager is PMP certified.
We take pride in providing outstanding customer support and approach all clients with the utmost care and attention.
And what is also fantastic about us is that we work on a fixed-term contract basis, where all your expenses are agreed upon in advance and never increase by the end of the project. This includes training and post-launch support. This, alone, is a rare thing in the web design industry.
Further, our methodology offers our clients a "ZERO-RISK" project development where clients are never presented with any surprises and satisfaction is always guaranteed. We will not release a website until you are satisfied, even if we have to redo it all over again.
How can we afford to operate inthis way? We are a small boutique firm, we do not rent physical office nor do we hire expensive Account Managers.
If you are planning a web design or redesign project, call Joomla Bliss at 613-231-6308 for a free consultation with no obligations.
If you love quality things that last - you will love Joomla Bliss.