Welcome to Joomla Bliss!
Optimising Web Design for SEO
Here is what Google has to say about the file extensions: "At Google, we are able to index most types of pages and files with very few exceptions. File types we are able to index include: pdf, asp, jsp, html, shtml, xml, cfm, doc, xls, ppt, rtf, wks, lwp, wri, swf.“
Details on file types:
- Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
- Adobe PostScript (.ps)
- Atom and RSS feeds (.atom, .rss)
- Autodesk Design Web Format (.dwf)
- Google Earth (.kml, .kmz)
- Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1, .wk2, .wk3, .wk4, .wk5, .wki, .wks, .wku)
- Lotus WordPro (.lwp)
- MacWrite (.mw)
- Microsoft Excel (.xls)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)
- Microsoft Word (.doc)
- Microsoft Works (.wks, .wps, .wdb)
- Microsoft Write (.wri)
- Open Document Format (.odt)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Shockwave Flash (.swf)
- Text (.ans, .txt)
- Wireless Markup Language (.wml, .wap)
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